Yes, Chenxu Shiwen, or 陈徐诗汶 in Chinese, is a good Chinese name. Nowadays, there are Chinese people choosing to use a combination of surnames of a kid’s parents as the surname of a kid. So, when Chinese people read your name, they could infer that the surnames of your father and mother are 陈 and 徐, respectively.
Speaking of the generational name 诗, this Chinese character could mean fine thing, for instance, 诗景, which means fine landscapes. And you could find other people whose generational name is 诗, for example, Charmaine Sheh, or 佘诗曼 in Chinese, an actress from Hong Kong and Natalie Tong, or 唐诗咏 in Chinese, an actress from Hong Kong.
Here is a picture of Charmaine Sheh.

Here is a picture of Natalie Tong.

With regard to 汶, this Chinese character is seen in the names of rivers and places, for instance, Wen River, or 汶江 in Chinese, also known as Min River, or 岷江 in Chinese, a river flowing in Sichuan, and Wenchuan, or 汶川 in Chinese, a county in Sichuan. And 汶 could also be used as a given name, for example, Woo Ying Man, or 胡樱汶 in Chinese, an actress from Hong Kong and Zhu Ziwen, or 朱紫汶 in Chinese, an actress from mainland China.
Here is a picture of Woo Ying Man.

Here is a picture of Zhu Ziwen.