Should I learn Chinese?

Yes, you should.

Why? There are a lot of reasons that apply generally to English speakers.

  1. Learning a language like Mandarin represents a significant cognitive enhancement. We know that learning a second language improves cognitive powers like attention and task-switching, as well as decreased cognitive decline.[1][2] It’s reasonable to imagine that these benefits would be increased by learning a language as different and complex as Chinese. Indeed, learning Chinese seems to be connected with mathematical ability and coordinated use of the temporal lobes on both sides of the brain. [3]
  2. Mandarin gives you access to 1.4 billion humans’ worth of business, learning, and cultural education opportunities. It’s hard to comprehend what this means. But learning Chinese gives you access to more people than any other language you could learn (in large part because so few Chinese can speak English for real communication).
  3. Learning Chinese will confer prestige. Nobody’s that impressed if you speak Spanish. But Chinese! That language is so difficult, they will say. How did you even start learning something so incomprehensible?
  4. Learning Chinese will broaden your mind. Chinese culture is really different from that of the United States and Europe. Very few movies (even those about China) really touch the depths of the culture. By learning a language that is so different from English, you open your mind to new ways of thinking that you wouldn’t encounter simply from learning something like French or German.
  5. China is a rising force in the world. If your only exposure to China is through Western media, you’re going to have a very poor understanding of the country, where it is going, and the attitudes of its leaders and people. I for one think it’s kind of important to understand at least a little about what will soon be the world’s largest economy.

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