Know someone who is a ballerina?

Doesn’t she looks like 女?

The description is in the hands of the word for girl. She is the “nv” of those who know that “nv” is Pìnyīn for 女nv where v sounds like ü.
妹 is girl too, your little sister whom you thought will be the last one 末 but when another sister arrives, the two horizontal lines had to switch position. Her name is May, maybe she’ll be the last.
May is like 夫 they both wear hairpin. 夫 is for male and 妹 for female. 夫妇 is for all three of them, husband wife and my little sister.
Three is 彐 tree is 木.
The difference between 女and 妹 is one is girl and the other is not 妺mò who is the last one. 妹 is May妹。I don’t have a younger sister who could have been May. “Could have been” is “maybe”. “Light be” is the Word, it is 光

Chinese language is written in pictures which can be seen and understood by anyone who can see and listen in his “mother tongue”.