How can you easily remember the differences between the Chinese characters “未 (Wèi)” and “末 (Mò)” since they look so much alike?

My English teacher, was an American from Oregon, named Susan Grant.

She was a retired lawyer who likes to hike.

She taught me that when she was young she had mild dyslexia, she couldn’t tell if it is “deb” or “bed”. Her Elementary School English teacher said, imagine a bed. what it looks like, and how could someone sleeps in it comfortably, if it looks like “deb”?

It cured her dyslexia. Or, at least according to her.

So the moral of this story is, to remember the form of a Chinese character, similar tricks can be applied.

未 wèi, what does it mean? It means “Future, not yet finished, to be continued.” How to remember it? Remember how Chinese stroke are counted from left to right, and top to bottom? The bottom heng (horizontal), is longer than the top heng. The future is great, the future is better, the future is longer.

末 mò, what does it mean? “End, finished, last one”, two top-to-bottom heng strokes get shorter and shorter, it contracts, it closes, it finishes.

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