Why do the names of many cities in China end off with -zhou(州)?
As pointed out in the previous answer, this Chinese character“州” in pictographic writing refers to the land in the middle of rivers, representing the basin …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
As pointed out in the previous answer, this Chinese character“州” in pictographic writing refers to the land in the middle of rivers, representing the basin …
红 is red. It is very distinct, you can’t mistaken it. Blood is red and one know what is red when one see red. As …
There are many reasons why English is the lingua franca today. It’s widespread around the world. The British Empire was pretty effective at spreading it …
Modern day brides in China make use of red as well as white depending on the ethnicity of the Chinese group. A hundred couples from …
The radicals 部首 are not just Mandarin Chinese, they are for all Chinese characters. They are the bases of the characters. Take, for example, the …
It depends. If you wear white on festive days, like the Chinese Spring Festival and a wedding, you will offend all the Chinese people. Well, …
It depends on what your native language is. People who speak Indo-European languages find the vocabulary alien and especially people from structured languages like German …
Although I’m a science guy, I’ve always been fascinated by language and writing. The symbol “~” is called a “波浪号” (bōlàng hào) in Chinese, which …
On the first day of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, the moon is a crescent, and on the fifteenth day, it is a full moon. …
I do not see strong-enough evidence that it was the contributor, or even the dominant contributor. Supporters of the “character simplification raised literacy rates” theory usually point …