Is Chinese the most complicated written language?
Nah, that award would go to the Tangut Script (西夏文), used by the Western Xia dynasty in the 11th century: Tangut script – Wikipedia Here’s …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
Nah, that award would go to the Tangut Script (西夏文), used by the Western Xia dynasty in the 11th century: Tangut script – Wikipedia Here’s …
It generally means to laugh out loud. In fact, all the combinations like 233, 2333, 2333, carry the similar meanings. Basically, you start with a …
What about Rind-fleisch-eti-ket-tie-rungs-über-wa-chungs-auf-ga-ben-über-tra-gungs-ge-setz? why not adopt spacing? And how do you think “不 矢口 亻十 么 日寸 候 , 亻奄 口斤 言兑 言仑 土云 有 …
Russia is located in the north of China. Chinese knew the name of Russia from nomadic peoples in the north, who speak Altaic (including Mongolian, …
What does 左 mean in Chinese? The obvious answer is, of course, “left.” But, come on, that’s boring. Let’s have some fun with this. And, …
Literally, ‘吃鸡’ means ‘eat chicken’ in Chinese. But recently, it has extended meaning as an online buzzword — referring the popular game 绝地求生:大逃杀 or PlayerUnknown’s …
You can separate this name to two parts:徐 is regarded as surname, which is succeeded from the family, and 若滢 as first name, which contains …
Funny story, that. There actually was a time where those two characters were simplified. Following the huge success of the first round simplification in 1956, …
Ah, so you are trying to translate Wei Zheng’s analects. The full quote is: “吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。” An approximative translation would be: “At fifteen, I was focused …
Despite both being spelt Lee, the way it is pronounced in England and the USA is quite different when sounded in Mandarin and again in …