What does 番菜館 mean in Chinese?
Although the first Chinese character in this term, 番, could mean foreign, the term in the question, 番菜馆, referred to restaurants which served Western food. …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
Although the first Chinese character in this term, 番, could mean foreign, the term in the question, 番菜馆, referred to restaurants which served Western food. …
Thank you for the request. That’s because Chinese grammar is objectively easier than Korean or Japanese grammar. Now, don’t get me wrong, for an English …
It’s not offensive, but it’s horribly incorrect. It’s like saying people from France and Albania both speak “European”. I mean, there are a group of …
Why don’t Americans read Shakespeare in contemporary English, or Chaucer in contemporary English? That’s not the way Shakespeare of Chaucer sound. If you have studied …
Just suffer through it. Life is hard, what do you expect? In the literal sense of the question, I took online classes. Five hours of …
I studied it for four hours daily for one year, then I went to Chinese-language high school and graduated from high school (three years) where …
Mandarin and Cantonese is Chinese, that’s why they are termed as Chinese, they are just different dialects from the same language, the writing is the …
Yes, Qin Ruisi, or 秦蕊丝 is a good female name. However, if you want a great Chinese female name that sounds natural to ears of …
Yes, there are two Chinese surnames which could mean heaven and lotus, respectively. The Chinese surname Qian, or 乾 in Chinese, could refer to Heaven, …
The thing about Chinese is that you never stop learning the language. I started learning Chinese when I was young. I would say I am …