Are there any Chinese surnames meaning heaven or lotus?
Yes, there are two Chinese surnames which could mean heaven and lotus, respectively. The Chinese surname Qian, or 乾 in Chinese, could refer to Heaven, …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
Yes, there are two Chinese surnames which could mean heaven and lotus, respectively. The Chinese surname Qian, or 乾 in Chinese, could refer to Heaven, …
The thing about Chinese is that you never stop learning the language. I started learning Chinese when I was young. I would say I am …
It’s not hard. If you went back two years and told me this would be my opinion of the language now I’d laugh at how …
This question is either supremely ignorant or downright malicious. Okay, everybody likes to make themselves feel superior by sneering at China, yes, yes, you are …
Well, in my humble opinion, I would suggest Gui Jingmiao, or 桂京淼 in Chinese. The surname 桂, in a metaphorical way, could refer to the …
The Foreign Service Institute of the US Department of State expects you will reach “General Professional Proficiency” in Chinese (either Mandarin or Cantonese) in 88 …
One positive is that modern Chinese people can read and understand Chinese text from practically every dynasty in history. One misconception of non-Chinese speakers is …
This Chinese charater 月 could mean moon, moonlight and month. In the Chinese culture, moon could symbolize reunion, longing, purity and beauty. People usually use …
I’ll break it down: Chinese characters seem very complex to write. Indeed, the Chinese characters are generally complicated, for example, some characters require over 40 …
Yes, 江智 is a valid Chinese name. However, The Pinyin version of 江智 is written as Jiāng Zhì. The surname 江 could mean river. There …