How do computer keyboards for traditional Chinese characters work?
I use Zhuyin and this is part of the keyboard for my PC. As you can see ㄅㄆㄇㄈat the left of the picture where ㄆ …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
I use Zhuyin and this is part of the keyboard for my PC. As you can see ㄅㄆㄇㄈat the left of the picture where ㄆ …
No, alphabet based systems aren’t easier to write. It simply shifts the difficulty from one aspect of writing to another. Let’s take English for example. …
The dialects in the North are more closely related to each other because travel was a lot easier. The topography map below shows mountain elevations …
The Han Chinese are a mix of many groups over time, and here are some of the likely groups: A proto-Chinese group in southern China, …
Well, I’ll assume that you want to remember more than some cringe tourist level phrases to just get by. Usually, Cantonese is a spoken language …
Back in 1992, a group of villagers in Longyou county, China stumbled upon an astonishing discovery. The area near the village of Shiyan Beicun was …
Well, I am a Mandarin speaker, so I just offer my view about this topic with regard to Mandarin. Words or phrases in English are …
You may wish to ask if Korean wish to remove Chinese characters and make it impossible for the main public to read older Korean literature …
Characters travel better than sounds. An undubbed Hollywood movie requires at least 20 sets of subtitle to sell in Europe, even though many European scripts …
Well, in my humble opinion, I would say that the Chinese language is one of old written languages currently being used. I mean, Vedic Sanskrit, …