What is the difference between “狗” and “犬”?
What is the difference between “狗” and “犬”? Most of the answers have already addressed the question. But specifically to the Chinese language, if you …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
What is the difference between “狗” and “犬”? Most of the answers have already addressed the question. But specifically to the Chinese language, if you …
What does the Chinese word “我明白” mean in English? It means “I understand”. However, do not confuse this word with 理解, which also means to …
Nah, that award would go to the Tangut Script (西夏文), used by the Western Xia dynasty in the 11th century: Tangut script – Wikipedia Here’s …
It generally means to laugh out loud. In fact, all the combinations like 233, 2333, 2333, carry the similar meanings. Basically, you start with a …
What about Rind-fleisch-eti-ket-tie-rungs-über-wa-chungs-auf-ga-ben-über-tra-gungs-ge-setz? why not adopt spacing? And how do you think “不 矢口 亻十 么 日寸 候 , 亻奄 口斤 言兑 言仑 土云 有 …
Russia is located in the north of China. Chinese knew the name of Russia from nomadic peoples in the north, who speak Altaic (including Mongolian, …
What does 左 mean in Chinese? The obvious answer is, of course, “left.” But, come on, that’s boring. Let’s have some fun with this. And, …
Literally, ‘吃鸡’ means ‘eat chicken’ in Chinese. But recently, it has extended meaning as an online buzzword — referring the popular game 绝地求生:大逃杀 or PlayerUnknown’s …
You can separate this name to two parts:徐 is regarded as surname, which is succeeded from the family, and 若滢 as first name, which contains …
Funny story, that. There actually was a time where those two characters were simplified. Following the huge success of the first round simplification in 1956, …