How hard is learning Chinese?
As an exchange student in Beijing, I’m currently preparing for HSK 4 of Chinese proficiency test. I was writing my practice exam when came across …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
As an exchange student in Beijing, I’m currently preparing for HSK 4 of Chinese proficiency test. I was writing my practice exam when came across …
In Northern China, this surname originated from Henan Province and Shaanxi Province. For instance, on the Wikipedia, you would find that this surname is used …
La Yan Jing (辣眼睛, Là yǎnjīng), literally spicy eyes, is a common internet slang word in China. It generally refers to the symptoms of discomfort …
I haven’t seen that answer it in the comments yet so: to me the closest thing to WTF in mandarin would be “什么鬼” (Shénme guǐ). …
中华人民共和国新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁哈萨克自治州察布查尔锡伯族自治县奥依亚依拉克乡奥依亚依拉克村村民委员会古且末国历史文化遗址申报联合国教育科学文化组织世界非物质文化遗产工作领导小组办公室 this is a name of a office which comes from the Internet and I don’t know whether it exists or not…This word seems …
Awsl is an abbreviation. The full form is À Wǒ Sǐ Le (啊我死了). You can understand it this way: 啊我死了 (À Wǒ Sǐ Le): Ah I’m dead/ oh I’m dead Awsl is …
Not really! Chinese grammar seems easy for simple communication. If you want to reach the professional level, the grammar would not be “so easy”. Further, …
1. Chinese language is most difficult on its tones Tones are most likely the first hurdle foreign learners come across in Chinese learning. Intuitively, it …
This is a Chinese idiom. Understanding a Chinese idiom requires understanding the corresponding characters and words. Characters: 耍 (shuǎ): play, display 嘴 (zuǐ): mouth 皮 …
To be able to understand, you need to know the meaning of the Internet Slang in the sentence. There’s two Internet slangs: 安利 (Anli) – …