Is “秀兰” a name I could name my daughter in China?
To begin with, 秀兰 (Xiulan) is a beautiful name. It means a graceful and pretty orchid flower. It is perfectly okay to name your daughter …
Fans of Chinese and Mandarin
To begin with, 秀兰 (Xiulan) is a beautiful name. It means a graceful and pretty orchid flower. It is perfectly okay to name your daughter …
There are numerous ways to say “F*ck You” in Chinese It depends on the context – where, when, to whom- you want to say “F*ck …
It’s NOT from the “cow’s cunt” actually, it has nothing to do with vagina or vagina size. the really meaning word is 牛, which means …
Before we can start translating, we need to clarify something: Some people won’t believe me, but the original phrase is actually 傻屄 (shǎbī), not 傻比 …
It’s an abbreviation – yyds – of 永远的神(yong yuan de shen). The words in bracket is ‘pinyin’. Chinese monosyllabic pronunciations can be rendered in Roman …